During my childhood I had a passion for two things: basketball and games of strategy. A deep level of immersion in both taught me key skills that would lead me to excel in my professional career. Strategic thinking, problem solving, teamwork, focus, determination, and the incredible high of what it feels like to succeed - both as an individual and within a team - provided invaluable foundations upon which to strive and achieve.
My first exposure to the trading world came at university during my senior year when I took an investment finance course given by Dr. John Doukas. His enthralling storytelling and his ability to weave into it the minutiae of the financial world captivated me and left a lasting impression. I was determined after university finished to enter the exciting world of trading.
With university finished, I took an opportunity to join a corporate F/X trading company. At first in a back-office role, I focused on my goals and, through application, vision, and belief, worked my way onto the trading desk. Over the next twenty years, I grew professionally from my entry level position to senior trader, to leader and visionary of two highly successful, diversely different businesses: CEZ, a.s., a publicly traded utility in the Czech Republic, and Ezpada AG, a privately held pure trading house based in Zug, Switzerland.
During my ten years at CEZ, I had the privilege of being part of the trading division leadership team. Together we were responsible for CEZ’s development from a utility hedger to a true utility trader in the European energy space. I was directly responsible for the professional development of the team, extending the business’s trading footprint in Europe and the growth of the proprietary trading activities within the company.
When I left CEZ in early 2016 to join Ezpada AG, my mandate was to grow this pure trading company from a predominately EU power trader to a diversified global commodity trader - so increasing overall revenues along the way. I am proud to say that when I left Ezpada in 2022, the objective had been met. In our best year the company achieved net profits nearly seven times the average in the immediate years prior to my joining on the basis of the diversification efforts I successfully led. Today, the future for Ezapda is extremely bright.
These experiences successfully building and running proprietary teams, even in areas I did not have industry level expertise in as a trader, is why I believe my skill set goes beyond the commodity space. I understand what it takes to build a successful proprietary trading group, the talent required, culture to be built and approach to risk. This knowledge and skill set transcend the commodity trading realm.
Despite this, and many other rewarding aspects of my work, there came a point after twenty years in the industry that I realized something was amiss. Being in a leadership position in the trading world and remaining an active trader is very demanding. Life balance is tough to maintain and my drive to succeed increasingly caused me to overlook personal relationships and other aspects of life that really mattered to me. I stretched myself and my relationships - sometimes close to breaking point. As a former athlete, I was not in great physical shape either. I knew it was time to re-evaluate my priorities and rebalance my life. I just didn’t know how.
Then, in 2021 my wife, who more than anyone could see the strain I was putting myself under, somehow convinced me to attend a weeklong, science-based meditation retreat. This is not something I had ever done or entertained. I was a businessman, a leader, and a skeptic by nature in the masculine world of trading. But I agreed, committed to it, and went. And, in short, it changed my life. I met men - many of whom excel in the business world - who showed me it was okay to be in tune with your heart as well as your professional goals. I was inspired and realized I had the capacity and awareness within me to find balance and be in better control of my choices, which included a strong desire to spend more time with my family and friends while exploring other interests in my life. In short, my values and passions at this stage of my life had changed and I finally slowed down enough to look within and acknowledge them. After a thought provoking Covid isolation on a family vacation in Spain early the following year, I emerged from a dark room knowing I was ready for something new and, with the encouragement of my loving partner, I decided I was ready to make a change. Today, both my professional and personal journey in life have put me in a unique position to help others within the trading community in a multitude of ways to excel in both life and business.
One of the great joys of my professional path has been the people I have shared experiences with along the way. My roles allowed me many opportunities to engage, advise and ultimately mentor a wide range of people from many walks of life and witness their individual successes and growth. Many of their personal achievements remain some of the most rewarding highlights of my career. I still love the trading community, being a part of building businesses, and inspiring people to grow and succeed in a way that honors both their professional and personal goals.
Today at Stone Peak Advisors I draw upon my many successful years as a trader, business leader and motivator to inform, guide and support people in identifying, achieving and maintaining a flourishing trading career.

With his leadership expertise and experience in building risk-taking groups, Chad supports early and growth-stage trading companies in scaling their operations and achieving their goals.
He has played a key role in developing two thriving trading groups and served as the Chief Trading Officer, board member, and leader of a top-performing trading company in Zug, Switzerland.